Helping Our Communities
Old Bridgeview Brewing Company is grateful for the opportunity to provide donations to worthy causes throughout the county.
Our focus is on the city of Washington, and then Franklin county. We want to focus on charitable causes that serve our local region. Though we do donate to national charities from time to time our focus is on the people that live in the communities closest to us.
Focus on the causes/charities of regulars that support our brewery. Our revenue comes from our brewery. If you are a frequent visitor to our brewery, (generally this means you come to Old Bridgeview once a week and know several of us) please make sure to note this on your request.
We do not donate to:
Events that are less than 30 days out.
Public schools
Religious organizations
Sports teams
Parks/public facilities
Political parties/campaigns
It may seem unfair and we know they are great contributors to our community but we have a limited budget for donations and do our best to make the most of it. Someday we hope we can contribute to every fundraising event but if we did that now we would not be able to stay in business and that would be bad for us and for the many charitable organizations that request our help.
In order to efficiently and fairly handle these requests, we have created a set of guidelines that all potential recipients of free beer/merchandise will need to follow.
1. All requests must be made via the form below. Calling us will do nothing, and paper mail is quite likely to be misplaced and email’s may just get lost in the mountain of emails we receive daily.
2. We will notify you as soon as possible if your request is approved. For requests more than 2 months or more away, we will consider your request when the event is around the corner rather than immediately. This allows us to budget between the many organizations requesting help.
3. Priority is given to requests made by customers who are regulars (generally noted as someone that comes into our brewery at least once a week) in our brewery and that knows our staff. We like to support those who support us and we can’t do it without you. These requests make up 80% of our donation budget. A lot of good people drink our beer and they have lots of charities that we love to support in return.
4. All kegs require a $100 deposit upon pickup. Cash only.
5. We are only able to provide one donation to your organization or national organization in any 12 month period. We want to share the love! And beer!
6. Please understand that we are not able to fulfill all requests and that we are a growing business (with lots of debt too!) and in order to keep growing and providing delicious session beers to the thirsty masses, we must invest our funds wisely. We have a quarterly allotment and a yearly allotment. Once they are gone, we simply cannot make any more donations.
If you are still reading this and would like to make a request, please fill out the form below.